
Mung Sprouts Rice Veg Recipe

A very simple mung sprouts rice veg recipe for both vegetarian and other tastes consisted of rice, mung sprouts, onion and Bell pepper, dried apricots, white sesame and…
carrot rice

Vegetarian Carrot-Rice Recipe

You can cook a delicious vegetarian carrot-rice with a simple recipe which can be a proper meal or served with stew with these ingredients: onion, carrot, green onion, rice, barberry, pumpkin seed, lemon, saffron, turmeric, coriander, and rock salt
آب گوجه فرنگی

Insomnia and Ayurvedic Remedies (Insomnia 2)

There are some Ayurvedic codes and remedies for insomnia, have an early and light dinner and one of the warm drinks like milk, yogurt drink, lavender tea, cranberry tea or tomato juice with special recipes before bed which can comfort your vata and pitta

The Correct Way to Consume Watermelon in Ayurvedic perspective

Watermelon is a cold fruit and a great remedy for Pitta imbalances but can aggravates Vata and Kapha, makes you gassy and causes water retention. There are some tips about its consumption in Ayurvedic perspective...

Consumption of Pomegranate in Ayurvedic Perspective

Pomegranate is one of the most balanced fruits and remedies for hypertension but for ones with Hypothyroidism needs to be consumed with antidots Like thin white membrane that separates the seeds, or be spiced up with salt and angelica, or cumin or fennel.

Home Remedies for Constipation

There are great Ayurvedic home remedies for curing different types of constipation (vata, pitta and kapha type constipation) by using some special foods, changing one's life style and doing some yoga techniques.

Mint consumption in Ayurvedic perspective

Mint is cold and dry in Ayurvedic perspective and can dry up the mucus membrane of your GI tract, aggravate Vata and increase the chance of constipation, so we must consume it not raw, cook it with natural oils and mix it with hot and dry herbs.
سیب زمینی

How Should we Consume Potato? An Ayurvedic Perspective

According to Ayurveda, potato can weaken the Agni (digestive fire) and causes constipation and its combination with Rice, bread, red meat, pork, egg and cheese creates toxins in GI tract, but on the other hand it is considered a great remedy for those whose metabolism is too fast and suffer from hyperactive thyroid. So we must cook it with small amounts of natural oils and Mix it with heating vegetables

Legumes and Beans…?! How should we eat beans and legumes?!

According to Ayurveda most of the legumes and beans can cause intense dryness and coldness in the body. This may increase vata imbalances and leads to constipation, dryness and stiffness in joints and muscles, anxiety, etc. Soaking them over night, cooking them with appropriate oils and using antidotes can negate their imbalances on body.